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Code of Conduct

The mission of Andover Little League is to assist youth in developing the qualities of citizenship, discipline, teamwork and physical well-being. To achieve that Mission, the following Code of Conduct must be adhered to by all coaches, players, parents and spectators who participate in or attend any Andover Little League event.

  • Encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators.
  • Do not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player or parent such as booing, taunting, using profane / abusive language or gestures, bullying or inappropriate physical contact.
  • Never ridicule or yell at any participant for making a mistake or losing a competition.
  • Respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question or confront coaches or umpires.
  • Refrain from coaching during games and practices unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.
  • Never use alcohol or drugs at or near any Andover Little League game or activity.

The Andover Little League Board of Directors has adopted a policy of “ZERO TOLERANCE”. Umpires or Board Members have the authority to eject a coach, player, parent or spectator from a Little League activity in any situation where the above Code of Conduct is violated. If the ejected individual refuses to leave, the team associated with that individual may automatically forfeit the game and the incident may be referred to the local police department for review.

In addition, the Andover Little League has implemented a Complaint and Disciplinary Procedure through an Amendment to the Bylaws, which can be found here bylaw-amendment-2019.pdf.  Any and all perceived violations of the above Code of Conduct should be brought to the attention of the Player Agents so that they may act upon the matter pursuant to the Bylaws. The Player Agents for the 2023 Baseball Season are Noah Caruso ([email protected]) and Todd Murray ([email protected]).

By completing registration, players and parents/guardians  agree to abide by and uphold the above stated Code of Conduct and understand that violating this Code, whether by commission or omission, may subject them to the penalties stated in the Code and the Bylaws of Andover Little League.

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